according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, almost half of U.S. adults own smartphones; and, that figure will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. This near-ubiquity of smartphones has spilled over into business, sparking countless mobile device management and BYOD programs.
Read further to see FireRocket’s top five project management apps for smartphones and tablets – both iOS and Android. These tips will help you support your mobile workforce and do it securely. The list includes collaborative tools, website management, top antivirus and more. And the best part is that all the mobile apps are free or have a free version.
1. Overall project management
AtTask describes itself as “on-demand project management software… [a] collaborative work management platform designed with the Facebook generation in mind… putting all work (not just project work) in one place, and giving executives and managers visibility they can actually trust.”
But enough vendor hyperbole: The fact is users love this task manager. One typical fan, a software and configuration management staffer in the aviation maintenance industry, told a FireRocket staffer that “it’s a wonderful app that allows people to use their Android or iOS devices to keep ahead of the game.” This project management software is offered as a cloud service, via the company’s website, but it has also published an Android app and an iOS-optimized web app.
2. Web content management
WordPress is the sine qua non of website content management systems (CMS). But it’s come a long way from its roots as a blogging platform. Today, it’s estimated that the WordPress CMS powers roughly one-quarter of all active U.S. sites. has Android and iOS apps (as well as apps for BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Nokia/Symbian, and webOS).
3. Note taking, outlining, brainstorming, etc.
Microsoft OneNote, the note-taking component of Microsoft Office, is now available on your favorite smartphone or tablet. OneNote is an incredibly useful app on a conventional PC and no less handy on a smartphone or tablet. Typical mobile user feedback includes:
- “Allows you to take quick rough notes in meetings and then shape it properly when back at your desk.”
- “[Of all my apps,] I use OneNote most often on my iPhone.”
There’s an Android and an iOS app. (If OneNote isn’t for you, try Evernote, which has been around longer and is widely used.)
4. Wi-Fi scanning
The more smartphones and tablets you have in your office, the more critical your Wi-Fi signal quality becomes. With a Wi-Fi scanning app, you’re able to find the “notspot” areas of your building – places where the signal drops out – and also visualize other Wi-Fi access points slowing yours down because they’re sharing your channel or using adjacent ones.
For Android, FireRocket recommends Farproc’s Wi-Fi Analyzer. It’s one of the few such scanners that allows you to easily see not only which channels are in use but also how the use of adjacent channels can cause slowdowns.
For iOS, WiFiGet is the best fit; however, Apple prohibits apps from scanning for signal strength. (While there are non-Apple-approved apps that do this, installing them requires jail breaking your device, which is not recommended.)
5. Security
It’s vital to secure your company’s data while it’s stored on mobile devices. Theft or loss can happen at any time, and criminals are always active, trying to break into your devices. To avoid malicious web pages and malware-infected apps, you need mobile endpoint security protection that’s effective and efficient and helps you lock, wipe and locate lost devices. Centralized endpoint measures go a long way toward keeping data safe.
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