If you died and went to 3-D TV heaven then I’m sure you would find the Samsung MSTV sitting right in front, in it’s various screen-size (22,32,42,46,55, 64 inches) avatars. Keeping with Sammy’s passion for Android, this TV is a pureblood Google Android baby. And what’s more, you get to sync all your gadgets and devices remotely and splurge on gaming fun! Hit the jump for details.
Samsung MSTV is the first TV in the world consists in 2 parts
The base serves as box.
Just buy the screens that correspond to your requirements.
There are dedicated screens such as screens specifically for video games (with deep blacks for better restitution of the image and 3D).
Displays dedicated to the use of film and conventional screens.
Once you have connected the screen, the box will automatically detect it.
Compatible 4K2K (for screens over 40 inches) with 3D without glasses.
The TV is entirely on Google’s Android system.
You can find all your applications on your TV with the “SynchrTV” and you can use your smartphone as a controller to play your video games.
If you do not have a smartphone or remote to control your TV, the touch screen will allow you a simple gesture to access functions or you can do so through the voice function.
The TV is compatible “DPConnect” and hooks up your devices (video games, Blu-ray players, and others) to the TV wirelessly in less than a second.
It features SmartTV applications, screens with cameras, the “Uprogram” which allows you to share your programs on your devices like your smartphone or tablet android etc.
“No Edges”, so you can see the entire image on your screen.
ActiveDeep3D+ allows you to see 3D images of high quality in a transparent screen without lag, enjoy 3D with Glasses or without glasses.


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