So I had some free time on my hands today so I decided to take a crack at this, so here is my Iron Man Mark IV arc Reactor from the new movie, well, its actually a cross between the Mark IV and the Mark I cause I dont have enough reference for the newer model. All the parts for the piece were parts I had lying around the workbench, except for the front faceplate, its the faceplate from the new toy, just repainted and detailed.
Here are some finished pics and below are some progress pics from when I was doing the build, let me know what ya think, it was a fun project even though its not accurate.

The top part where my finger is is the activation switch, its a simple push switch with a small long rectangular heat sink on top of it to blend in with the heat sinks on the side.

The main parts I used were electronics and extra pieces from a laser board from a hemotology blood analizing machine, I have tons of parts form these machines form work. The main bottom piece is a heat sink with a custom metal battery cage that holds 5 button cell batteries.
The clear acrylic piece goes on top of that, its a another blood analizing machine piece, very nice and clear. On top of that and the piece that you see under the main faceplate is a round chrome metal piece that I strung red and green wires around ala' the Mark I, then on top of that I placed a very strong mag. glass and attched the pieces. I dident use alot of red and green wire because I dident want to take away from the overall look, just acouple strands. Everything is screwed and apoxy'd in place, the thing is damn solid!
There is a hole that goes through the middle through the bottom where I placed a blue LED, why blue, I tried to go away from the white to let it stand out from my other RT's, and in the new movie when Tony puts the new RT on for the first time it shines so bright it kinda has a blue glow to it.

I really liked how the piece looked without the faceplate and thought I would just leave it as a custom RT, but decided in the end to add the faceplate, but here are some pics of it working without the faceplate.

Well thats it, a cool little project to kill acouple hours today, hope you guys like!
Here are some finished pics and below are some progress pics from when I was doing the build, let me know what ya think, it was a fun project even though its not accurate.
The top part where my finger is is the activation switch, its a simple push switch with a small long rectangular heat sink on top of it to blend in with the heat sinks on the side.
The main parts I used were electronics and extra pieces from a laser board from a hemotology blood analizing machine, I have tons of parts form these machines form work. The main bottom piece is a heat sink with a custom metal battery cage that holds 5 button cell batteries.
The clear acrylic piece goes on top of that, its a another blood analizing machine piece, very nice and clear. On top of that and the piece that you see under the main faceplate is a round chrome metal piece that I strung red and green wires around ala' the Mark I, then on top of that I placed a very strong mag. glass and attched the pieces. I dident use alot of red and green wire because I dident want to take away from the overall look, just acouple strands. Everything is screwed and apoxy'd in place, the thing is damn solid!
There is a hole that goes through the middle through the bottom where I placed a blue LED, why blue, I tried to go away from the white to let it stand out from my other RT's, and in the new movie when Tony puts the new RT on for the first time it shines so bright it kinda has a blue glow to it.
I really liked how the piece looked without the faceplate and thought I would just leave it as a custom RT, but decided in the end to add the faceplate, but here are some pics of it working without the faceplate.
Well thats it, a cool little project to kill acouple hours today, hope you guys like!
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